Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The battle continues...


Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by implementing a stop-gap spending measure that will fund federal agencies for two weeks. But, as Congress is quickly approaching another potential funding expiration, there seems to be little sign of compromise between the two political parties. The proposed funding levels between the Republicans and the Democrats differ by tens of billions of dollars, and neither party seems to be willing to budge anytime soon. What do you think it will take for the two parties to reach a compromise?


  1. Honestly, I believe there will be many attempted filibusters and there will be some last minute agreement at 11:59 the night before the stop-gap ends. The government shut down could cause massive inefficiencies and instability. While both parties disagree about the spending, neither of them want the shutdown.

  2. I agree with Ashley that neither parties want a shutdown. However, this seems to me to be like a game of chicken going bad. The government shutdown is going to cause massive inefficiencies and I didn't even know such a thing existed before now. Just seems unimaginable to me that there would be such a partisan divide (i guess in most cases it is only possible in a two party system where no coalition etc can be made). Lets hope it does not happen!

  3. I also had no clue that such a thing even existed, it seems crazy to me. Although both parties wouldn't want a shutdown, what party will ever be the one to act first... I see this as a waiting game, like Ashley said, and then a last minute agreement will be made. I just see last minute agreements like this as a really bad thing, no well thought out plans can come from this. Clearly a government shutdown could cause significant inefficiencies, but I just don't see that happening. I think both parties would do anything in there power to avoid this, let's hope so at least!

  4. Sorry to sound cliche, but JJ's analogy is spot on. Both sides know someone has to buckle, and neither side wants to face the wrath of the American public, but if you can get your way by biding your time, why falter now? It's a terrible approach to getting a deal done instead of compromising and seeing which side has better points, but that's how our politicians like to play.

  5. A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon it starts to add up to real money!

    We are past ideals at this point. Congress needs to get over itself and govern. Too much of what they do is based on getting re-elected. If I vote this way, I might lose this many votes, if I vote that way, I can gain this many votes.... I think our class could do a better job of running the government right now. Tough decisions need to be made, and it looks more and more like the people in there arent the ones to make them. It's like watching my kids argue over "who started it". Who cares?! Im sick of hearing about how the American people have spoken, and have mandated for smaller government, and lower taxes, and repealing Obamacare. I think its an arrogant waste of time to read the constitution before every session, and cite it when introducing a bill. What other choice is there? We only have two parties in this country, and if one isnt getting us what we want, we can only vote for the other. Neither party has all the answers, and as soon as they accept that, then MAYBE we can finally get something done.

  6. Yes my classmates, congress needs to get over their selves and serve the people who elected them to office. And i agree with Richard, our class is diverse, efficent, and equitable and we could run congress.

    McConnel's quote befuddles me. "What is reckless is the $1.6-trillion deficit we are running this year," . How can undergrad students understand that defciets and national debt are not too bad. Wouldn't this Republican have pushed for tax cuts rather than paying the national debt during Cliton years? Can i get a hypocrite?

  7. It seems like they are headed for a standoff and a chess stalemate until the last minute. No one truly wants to budge, and neither side will until someone chickens out, which hopefully they can come to a reasonable compromise by the end of it all. Both sides are afraid of what the public might say, and obviously neither of them wants to give in before they have to to avoid the public, but eventually someone will give in and a decision will be made. These 2 parties need to start doing things together because, separate, has produced nothing of value recently.
