Sunday, March 13, 2011

Federal spending cuts come at a great cost

According to the article, the federal government has proposed $2.5 billion in federal spending cuts for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The author briefly describes the effects that this cut would have on citizens of Maryland, and she promotes the Fuel Fund of Maryland which is a state program that will try to make up for the loss of the federal spending from the LIHEAP. Considering our country's massive amount of debt, it's easy to say that the government needs to make drastic cuts in federal spending; however, an article like this brings to light a different perspective which shows how much of an impact these spending cuts will have on the citizens of the United States. Most Americans would agree that federal spending cuts must be made; but, these cuts will surely come at a cost. How do you think our government can make the most amount of cuts with the least amount of damage to the citizens of our country?


  1. Cutting public spending seems like a daunting task and it is exacerbated by very large income distribution discrepancies. A shrinking middle class means a loss of a stable tax base, and all you have left are the poor and very rich. I think this program is a good use of government funds, it stabilizes communities. Why don't we get rid of oil and corn subsidies instead?

  2. Hitting unnecessary subsidies as Ashley mentioned would help, as well as eliminating pork from every other bill would help a lot. If only lawmakers were really interested in the good of the people...

  3. It's hard for me to understand how we can continue spending an absurd amount of money to fund our "war on terror" (still a little confused on what exactly that means) that has been going on for 10 years now, yet make such drastic cuts in spending that significantly lower the quality of life for many Americans. I agree that spending cuts need to be made, I just question the decisions that are being made on what to cut. I suppose that was the purpose of question #3 on the exam.

  4. Will we ever be out of the war on terror? This has consumed so much of our debt and for what? Have we really made a huge difference in the Middle East enough to agree with the money and resources sent over there? It seems a little unfair that our own citizens need to take the brunt of the costs at home as a result of our over spending abroad for a war that we don't want. But this is the nature of our government and it shall act as it sees fit.
