Monday, March 7, 2011

UK green training

This article shows Britain's commitment to a greener country. Apprentices for the installation programs are generally in the 16-18 year old age range. Not only is this helping their environment and lowering heating costs, it's also is creating jobs. By selecting younger people to be the technicians, they're giving them tools for the future. My concern however, is that these aren't going to be the types of skills that will sustain them for their futures. The project is aiming to sustain 100,00 jobs over the next 5 years, but that should be about the time these kids should be in college. Is it better to teach these skills to the older, unemployed generation? Other thoughts?


  1. In Britain they will at least be done with their Undergrad by the time they are 21 and Masters around 23/23 - on average. Additionally, the UK college system is much more vocational than the US one. So, if these kids are already on this career path then they will essentially be studying the same in college so they should be well prepared to pursue their careers and get jobs once they are done with all the education.
    Keeping in mind that going green and creating jobs is the main priority in the developed countries at this point, this plan seems good to me!

  2. This plan also seems good to me. I think it is much better to teach these skills to this younger generation because we are the future, and will continue development in the coming years. In regards to school, I think a lot of these positions could go hand in hand with someone in school. I see this as a great internship experience, leading into a career after graduation. I believe some of the best learning is done when a person is learning material in class and having hands on work experience at the same time. There simply aren't things that can be taught in the classroom than can be on the job, and the same goes for the opposite. I think it's great to have the opportunity for both at such an early age. Also, the green movement is starting to spring up everywhere and I believe is going to be a huge part of a lot of jobs in the future.
