Sunday, January 15, 2012

Citizens United strengthened the notion that corporations are citizens

We will talk about this case throughout the class since an ultimate issue with government production and taxation is who chooses.  The Supreme Court ruled that corporations could not be barred from donating to political campaigns thus tightening the relationship between politicians and business.  Citizens United has a very sophisticated website ( which you can visit.   One of the outcomes of the case is the increased campaign financing of elections by political action committees.   Stephen Coburn and Jon Stewart do a great piece on these committees and their impact on elections  (go here)  Go to the link to watch and to get some background information.


  1. The video was quite entertaining however I feel as though it shows a little bit of how ridiculous things can get over there. By that I mean that even though "strict rules" are in order there are severely obvious loop holes, if you will, that can be rearranged. It all seems a little silly to me. I'm interested to learn more about this in class though.

  2. This ruling will have some interesting implications. And the word of the day, as usual, is money. Now the campaigns may turn toward "Who knows the right people?" rather than "Who is the better candidate?" which I, for one, do not like. But a frugal campaign is never promising.
