Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Looking Ahead...

It seems crazy to imagine, but it won't be long before we begin observing the heat of the 2012 presidential campaigns. What do you guys expect to see rise from this years election? Who do you feel are the favorable candidates and how do these characters relate to the several topics we've discussed already in class?

Here's a video that sparked my interest and you guys might enjoy


  1. I dont expect to see anything much different than what we saw in the last election cycle. I suspect that the tone of the rhetoric will be a little less vile in light of the Tucson shooting, but other than that, no one will step up and truly take us where we need to be. Everyone wants to be in a position of leadership, but no one wants to lead. I think Obama will run un-opposed, and I would imagine that there are a number of Republicans eying the job. All you have to do is turn the tv on to find out who they are. I think taxes, and health care reform will be front and center like they always are, I also think that the deficit will be a sore talking point as well.

  2. Richard couldn't have said it any better, "Everyone wants to be in a position of leadership, but no one wants to lead". I think health care reform and the budget deficit will get a lot of attention, but I can't see anything drastically changing any time soon in those regards. Perhaps taxes will be something not only heavily addressed, but realistic in the short(er) run?
