Sunday, January 15, 2012

Balanced Budget Amendment

Late last year, the Dem-controlled Senate rejected a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. So do you think they made the right decision? I can see where the Republicans would be a little upset, because I think a balanced budget could slow down the enormous amount of deficit spending right now. But is it realistic to think that the government can/would be able to stop spending, even with an amendment?


  1. I don't know if a government could be able to stop spending but I think that a balanced budget would have been great for the deficit. If we can get this debt under control and stop the debt from getting bigger that would be huge. Once we stop the debt from getting bigger than we can work on making the debt go away.

  2. I think an amendment is the best way to gain control of the debt. I also agree with Senator Hatch's statement that the government has repeatedly proved itself unable to control its spending. There needs to be something put into place, so they can't lose control. However, your last question is interesting. I am really not sure if the government would be able to stop spending, even with the amendment. But they will never know until they try, right?

  3. I also don't think they could stop spending but I think they could cut spending significantly.

  4. I agree with the rest on this point. I think that its impossible to stop spending because government spending is essential in many different ways for the economy, but that being said, the excessive spending has to be cut down sooner rather than later if they want to attempt to gain control over the deficit.
