Sunday, January 29, 2012

Romney Attack Ad

Just recently Mitt Romney released an ad specifically attacking Newt Gingrich. The ad features NBC's Tom Brokaw discussing Gingrich's ethics violation in 1997. Gingrich who was brought to power by preaching higher standards in American politics and brought down another speaker on ethic accusations, was found guilty himself of ethics violations. Romney's ad is really having an impact on Gingrich's campaign. NBC News has asked Romney's campaign to take down the ad, but the ad technically falls within fair use. Do you think Romney would benefit from taking down the ad or should he continue to use it?


  1. I think he should continue to use it. If it gives him an advantage why would he take it down. I believe more people will jump off the Gingrich campaign due to the add than people that would think better of Romney for being the nice guy.

  2. I agree, Nick. Although it seems like a little bit of a low blow, if running the ad increases Romney's chances of winning the election I think he should continue to use it.

  3. I agree with Nick. If the ad helps his chances I don't see any point in taking it off the air

  4. I think that if it brings to the light the fact that another candidate is not practicing what they are "preaching," then it is fair to expose them. At the same time, spending money to destroy the image of someone else instead of enchancing your own says something about you. I think the ad is negative for both candidates.

  5. I agree with Rachel. It is fair to expose a candidate if the candidate has been misleading or isnt following what they say but Romney shouldn't need to use these kind of antics in order to get ahead, it should be based on his own merit. This ad campaign is making both of them look bad.

  6. I agree with whats been said above, its not in good taste, but at the same time if it brings to light aspects of candidates that the public would otherwise be misinformed about its not all bad. That being said, if everyone continues attacks like these smear campaigns to the extreme it could do a lot of harm for people who are trying to make informed decisions and are flooded with negative aspects of candidates.
