Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Economic Growth Gives Lift to Obama in NYT/CBS Poll

This article talks about the tie between Obama's popularity and the voter's optimism with the economy. This is interesting to see how as the perception of the economy gets better, the more it seems like Obama's chances of being reelected are based more and more on the present state of the US rather than on what he has accomplished over his term in presidency. Should President Obama be evaluated for everything that has happened over his term in office, regardless of whether he caused them or not, or should we focus simply on the state of the economy as it is now? Is it realistic to think that people will factor in more than the present popularity ratings? And how much value can we place in these numerous polls that come out, whether it is about Obama's approval rates or the current standings of the Republican presidential candidates?


  1. I think there needs to be a equal look at both his past as president, and his plans for the future. We need to assess what he has done in office thus far and decided if we feel he has done enough to merit his potential for re-election. I think that we also need to take a good look at what his plans are for our future. Lastly, I think it is important to consider what he said he would do when he was campaigning and determine if we feel that he did as he said he would.

  2. I agree with Cate that it is important to to look at both the past and future. Also it is important to look at how well he met his goals that he set in his previous campaign.

  3. I agree with both Cate and Nick. It's important to understand where we were when he started his presidency and where he stands now. Maybe it's important to judge him on how he handled the problems he was put into.

  4. I agree with everyone else that both his past promises and accomplishments are equally important as his future plans
