Monday, February 6, 2012

Why Romney is winning

Romney's recent victories in Florida and Nevada have pushed Romney to the front of the GOP pack.  Making it difficult for Newt Gingrich to regain the popularity he had after SOuth Carolina.

"The reasons for Romney's success have been widely discussed. Most of the explanations are less about him than about his opponents. In rather consistent fashion, commentators have argued that Romney remains the most "electable" candidate and, in the end, this year Republicans voters are going to make their decision based on who has the best chance of defeating President Barack Obama." (from the CNN article found here). 

There are many factors that have made Romney into a much stronger candidate than he was in the 2008 elections. His campaign has shown to be stronger than expected and he is a better opponent than he was expected to be. Some of the factors that have helped him to become so strong are money, and his well spoken manor. He is good at raising campaign contributions, and his opponents are unable to match his abilities in fundraising. To give you an idea; Romney has raised $24 million and Gingrich has raised nearly $10 million.  This has allowed Romney to spend $7 million on FL compared to Gingrich who spent $1 million. Romney has proven to be a good speaker in the debates. He remained calm during the heated moments and avoiding the social issues. 

What do you think makes Romney a better candidate today than he was in 2008? Do you think he will remains the favorite as the Republican nomination approaches? 


  1. I feel like Romney is doing a much better job winning the people over. I think in 2008 he may have been a little excited or nervous, but this year he really seems to be a strong candidate.

  2. I agree, I think that people are looking at Romney as a candidate that can win over enough of America to go head to head with Obama.

  3. At this point, it's not about the fiscal strategies that the candidates propose. It's more about how much money you can raise and how much of an orator one is. Is this really realated to how suitable the candidates are to become president?

  4. Romney definitely seems more mature this election year than he was during the previous one.

  5. I agree as well I think Romney learned from the last election and hasn't made any mistakes yet in the press. Gingrich is his closest opponent and he doesn't seem like he can win over enough people to really win the election. I also think Republicans believe Romney is the best chance they have to defeat Obama which is another reason why they are choosing him over some of the other candidates.
