Friday, February 17, 2012

US economy creates 243,000 jobs in January

This is an article from BBC News, I thought it would be interesting to see how the rest of the world if viewing the US economy. It lays out lots of statistics about employment that seem very comforting. Would you expect a UK source to be looking at the recent economic trends in the US optimistically? Do you think these unexpectedly better statistics are due to the government's efforts to stimulate the economy, or are they simply due to the business cycle and the US eventually making its way out of it's recension?


  1. I would say that the rising statistics are mainly due to normal business cycles with the governments efforts contributing a small boost.

  2. I think that regardless of people dropping out of the labor force, these statistics are good for the U.S. economy in terms of confidence. Because the U.S. is adamant about increasing consumer spending, favorable unemployment statistics may have a positive effect on consumer spending. Regardless of the nature these statistics, the optimism created by these statistics are far more valuable than the reasoning behind them.

  3. I would expect a UK source to be looking at the recent economic trends in the US optimistically because despite the huge deficit we have experience some positive statistics recently. For instance we have seen a drop in the unemployment rate that has continue past the holiday season which shows promise for the US. I would also think that other countries would be watching our economic trends because we are such a large player on the global scale, so if we are seeing improvements then they would be optimistic for the future.

  4. I agree with Nick. We have been in this bad situation for quite some time now so the increasing statistics are most likely coming from normal business cycles.
