Thursday, February 16, 2012

Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

Government assistance has become widespread and has its root deep within our country. The article talks about the shift in mindset that the government safety net has undergone, from keeping Americans from abject poverty towards maintaining the middle class from childhood through retirement. How do you feel about such a drastic shift in government assistance? And does your opinion change when you put it into the context of how deep our country is in debt at the moment? Is the government spending money wisely, and if not, where do you think our money should be going? Is it healthy for such a huge porportion of our citizens to be dependent upon government assistance?


  1. I dont think that it is good that out country is so dependent on government assistance. Our country is already in so much debt and then if you factor in how many people need government support even more money is being used for that over getting our country out of debt. I think that the government should look into more rehabilitation programs to get people under the poverty line back into the work force permanently so that they are not so heavily dependent on government assistance and can begin to do it on their own.

  2. I agree with Cate's proposal. The government needs to do more to help people move back into the work force and find good job prospects that fit there training, location, and other important factors. Right now so many citizens are relying upon government assistance and not putting forth the proper effort to find a job.

  3. I also think it is important that the government funds go to helping people find opportunities more than just giving it away because people qualify.
