Saturday, February 25, 2012

No easy answers

As gas prices push toward $4 and higher, polticians are calling for more drilling and alternative energy mining in the United States.  But many of the technologies are destructive.  Here is a music video about mountaintop mining in the Appalachians.  Mass transit, more regulation of speculation in energy markets, and such are also valid responses to our growing fuel problems.  Think about the ways that both risks and costs are shifted in each of these examples.  I don't think you can live in a society without pervasive governmental influence for good or bad.  (see here for the video and a short write-up about it).


  1. I think that something needs to be done to lower the gas prices. With gas growing to over $4 people are not going to be able to afford transportation and we will start to see that effect in other areas of the economy.

  2. I agree with Cate that something definitely needs to be done. However, one cannot sacrifice another's health for oil. With all of our technology with war fare and things such as that how have we not found an affordable way to use alternative sources of energy. These could include solar, water or turbine. I hope that one day gas price won't be an issue here or abroad.

  3. Gas prices are becoming a problem. When it costs $50 to fill up a Focus, people cringe. However, people should not be endangered because of the search for oil, and the environment should not be destroyed. Technology has proved there are alternative sources for energy, but the efficiency levels of these energy sources are not the same and that's where the problem is.
