Monday, February 6, 2012

Greek Party Opposes Austerity Demands

The leader of Greece's No.2 party says rescue creditors are demanding measures that will deepen the country's recession, and promises to oppose them "with all means".

Conservative leader Antonis Samaras met leaders of other parties backing the government coalition on Sunday to review austerity measures needed for a new 130 billion euro- ($A160 billion) bailout deal, without which the country would face bankruptcy in late March.

The coalition backers failed to conclude talks after a five-hour meeting and said they would resume talks on Monday.

Since the Greek recession started over 4 years ago, the so-called troika - the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund have been dealing with bailout and rescue options.

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos had floated the idea of the party leaders joining him in the talks with the troika representatives to argue the case for a different set of measures with equivalent fiscal results. Giorgos Karatzaferis, leader of the populist right Popular Orthodox Rally party refused.

Do you think that these leaders should be more willing to work with representatives from the troika? Based on the fact that Greece has already accepted the help of the troika, I think they should try and work with them in order to develop an appropriate plan for the country.

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